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The History of Wigs: From Ancient Egypt to Modern Fashion

19 Jun 2023 0 Comments
The History of Wigs: From Ancient Egypt to Modern Fashion

Wigs have been a part of human culture for centuries. From ancient Egypt to modern fashion, they have played a significant role in various societies across the world. Wigs not only offer a means of changing one's appearance but also serve practical purposes such as protection from the sun and lice infestations. In this article, we will explore the history of wigs, their evolution, and how they continue to impact contemporary society.

Ancient Egypt:

The origins of wigs can be traced back to ancient Egypt, where both men and women wore wigs made from human hair, sheep's wool, or vegetable fibers. They were often used to protect the head from the sun's rays and to cover baldness resulting from various diseases. The Egyptians also considered wigs as a symbol of social status and would use them to depict different classes of people in their art.

Ancient Greece:

The Greeks adopted the use of wigs from the Egyptians, and they became a popular fashion accessory, worn primarily by women. Wigs were made from animal hair, human hair, and sometimes even plant fibers. The Ancient Greeks used wigs to enhance their beauty and as a way to emulate the hairstyles of their gods and goddesses.

Renaissance Europe:

During the Renaissance period in Europe, wigs became increasingly popular among the upper class. Queen Elizabeth I of England was famously known for wearing wigs made from horsehair to cover her balding head. Wigs were also used as a way to hide head lice, which were rampant during this time.

18th Century:

In the 18th century, wigs reached the height of their popularity, becoming an essential accessory for both men and women. Wigs were made from human hair, animal hair, and even horsehair. They were typically powdered with flour or starch to achieve a white or gray look. Wigs were costly, and only the wealthy could afford them, making them a symbol of social status.

19th Century:

In the 19th century, wigs began to fall out of fashion, as more attention was given to natural hairstyles. However, they continued to be used in certain professions such as the legal and medical fields, where powdered wigs were still worn by judges and physicians.

Modern Times:

In contemporary society, wigs are primarily used for aesthetic purposes, with celebrities and everyday people alike using them to change their hairstyle without committing to a permanent cut or dye job. The materials used now range from synthetic fibers to human hair. Wigs are also used in the entertainment industry, particularly in theater and film, where they remain an essential part of costume design.


In conclusion, the history of wigs is a fascinating journey that spans multiple civilizations and centuries. From their practical uses in ancient Egypt to their significance as a symbol of social status in Europe, wigs have played a significant role in shaping the world we live in today. While they may no longer be as prevalent in everyday life, they continue to be a staple in fashion and entertainment, proving that their influence is far from over.

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